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Writer's picture: Jamicia GayJamicia Gay

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

Hi guys! I’m Jamicia Gay. The founder of XtraTee. I’ve been contemplating on starting a blog for a while now and I finally stepped out on faith and did it! I wanted my first blog to be about how I got here so you guys can get to know me a little better and my sole purpose for starting XtraTee and this blog. So, let’s just jump right in!


Okay so I first started my brand XtraTee not long after graduating college back in July of 2019. I’m a graduate from Auburn University (WAR EAGLE) and I got my bachelor’s degree in biomedical sciences. So shortly after graduating I realized how hard it was for me to secure a job in my field. I was applying to HUNDREDS of jobs for monthsssss and kept receiving “we regret to inform you emails”. So of course, I’m in what we like to call a “crisis”. During this time is when I had to get creative and dig deeper to figure out how I can make some money. My parents are Apostles at my church known as Blueprint Church and they also have a T shirt supply business. Being a part of an amazing bible-based ministry and having Apostles/Parents who can help keep me grounded in God was super important. One day all it took was me having a casual conversation with my mom in our store and she said “Mece you should start a T-Shirt business”. So of course, my brain starts turning even more. I’m thinking okay I have all of the available resources that I would need and anyone who knows me knows that I’m literally obsessed with comfy T shirts and leggings. All throughout college I was known for motivating my Instagram and snapchat followers; so of course, what better way to motivate them than to have my favorite scriptures that gets me through hard times on T-Shirts and hoodies? Because if they helped me, I know for a fact that they could help others. I would have never thought in a million years that I would be an entrepreneur (even though my parents and grandparents are).


My sole purpose for XtraTee is to provide my customers with an excessive amount of faith-based comfort. The merchandise that I hand make and hand pick is all to give customers the extra reminder that they will need to get them through life. One of my TOP sellers is my God Provides collection. It originated from Philippians 4:19 “My God shall supply all of your needs according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus”. God is our source and sustainer, meaning that ANYTHING we need whether its a financial breakthrough, healing, deliverance, etc he is able to provide those for us!


So, I said all of that to say this! Whenever you are at your lowest point in life, I challenge you to begin to pray that God gives you the wisdom, knowledge and understanding on what to do. Pray that God allows your hidden gifts on the inside of you to be revealed so that you may serve his people and his kingdom.

If you would like to know more about how I stay grounded in God, stay motivated, overcome anxiety and much more I encourage you to follow me on social media and to stay tuned for much more faith-based blogs #GodProvides #GodStrong

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Reme Momodu
Reme Momodu
Jan 20, 2021

Mece! I am SO proud of you and the woman that you have become. This blog post was absolutely inspiring for me. I know this is just the beginning for you and I can’t wait to see what more God has in store for you! You’re going places! xoxo💕 love you!


Jan 15, 2021

I really enjoyed your blog I discovered a lot about you But honestly the smile and presence you have when I met you projects your story! I cannot wait to read more! Thank you for inspiring others!

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